We love online therapy and we’re sharing our favorite reasons why we think it's so fantastic! If you’re looking into starting therapy and you’re not quite sure if seeing a therapist virtually is right for you, we hope you find the following information helpful in making the best choice for your unique needs.

We love online therapy! Here's why:
Online therapy is accessible. You have access to a wide range of therapists with uniquely wonderful skills and experience. You no longer have to stress about finding a therapist close by or worry about running into your therapist while shopping at your local grocery store (we don’t think it’s awkward but we get it if you do!) You have increased access to therapists now more than ever, which means you can find a counselor that’s a really great fit for you without feeling so bogged down by limitations and restrictions.
Online therapy is convenient. Therapy is important, but it’s not the only important thing you have going on in your life. We understand that you're busy and have a lot on your plate, and making time for therapy can be challenging. Online therapy takes less time out of your day, allowing you to spend more time on what matters most.
Online therapy is flexible. Easily access your online sessions when plans change, skip traffic during busy travel times and stay safe during poor weather conditions. Online therapy meets you wherever you are, allowing you to still get the support you need -- and deserve -- when things don’t go according to plan.
Online therapy is comfortable. Cozy up in the comfiest spot on your couch! Surround yourself with your favorite blanket, pillows and snacks, and bring a warm cup of coffee or tea. We don’t expect you to have some fancy setup or background for online therapy. We just want you to feel comfortable, so join us from wherever you’ll feel most relaxed and at ease.
Online therapy is effective. Studies show that Telehealth is as effective as seeing your therapist in-person at an office. You receive the same support and we do the same therapeutic work, so you’ll receive the same really great care as going to an office setting.
Online therapy is simple. All you need is an electronic device with a webcam, speakers, microphone and high speed internet. If you have access to a phone, tablet or computer, you’re all set for virtual therapy!

If you’re unsure as to whether you might like Telehealth and you’d like to get a feel for it, ask your prospective therapist for a free video consultation. It’s likely they offer this option and it’ll help you decide what's right for you.
While we love virtual therapy, that doesn’t mean you have to and there are plenty of wonderful therapists available to meet individuals in-person and online. We hope you find the perfect fit for you!
If you have questions about any of the information above, please do not hesitate to reach out. We're happy to help navigate any questions or concerns you have regarding online therapy.
Samantha & the Team at PGH :)
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